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Treatments / Labia reduction

Labia reduction

The internal lips are also know as the small lips. They differentiate themselves more or less from the external lips or the  big lips. This is completely normal. The size of the lips strongly differs from one woman to another. The lips can also vary from one side to the other. The lips can inconvenience a woman when she rides a bike or while doing sport. They can be visible when wearing a bikini or other or tight clothing. Women can feel awkward within a sexual relationship.
This subject is taboo for a lot of people and yet there is a simple operation that can remedy this problem.

What happens?

The surgeon eliminates the excess of the lip. It is you that determines exactly the extent of the correction needed. The clitoris and the nerves stay intact. The sensitivity of the erogenous zone stays exactly the same.


The wound is sutured under the skin. This operation leaves no visible trace.


Thanks to state of the art operation techniques and a constant progress in the field of anesthetic these last years, the lifting of the internal lips is carried out under a local. After the operation you will feel fine, and it is not necessary to contemplate a nights stay in the clinic.


After the operation you will rest for about an hour at the clinic and then you can go home. You will be able to walk but you should be aware that it will be difficult the first few days. When the effect of the local anaesthetic will have disappeared, you will take painkillers (combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol) which will help you cope with any eventual painful swelling.  For your comfort you will wear a large pants, with a with a protective sanitary towel in the slip. You can also desinfect the wound twice a day with isobetadine.


The plastic surgeon carries out the operations in conditions of total security, surrounded by a professional team.

Although the correction of the internal lips is usually done under local anaesthetic, you are constantly monitered by the anesthetist (automatic and repetitive measure of the blood pressure, constant measuring of the oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram). One or two highly qualified nurses will equally supervise. This surrounding will guarantee that you have faultless safety.

The local anaesthetic allows not only an operation without pain but also a minimal risk of bloodloss and the appearance of bruises.

If you are taking coagulant drugs please inform your plastic surgeon of this first (for ex., acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, asaflow, cardioaspirine, dipiridamole, plavix, sintrom, marevan and others).

After the operation you are able to contact your plastic surgeon at all times on his personal mobile number, if you have the slightest question.

Eventual risks and complications

This operation does not involve any complications. We avoid bleeding by meticulous laser coagulation of bleeding capilaries and thanks to special effect of the local anaesthetic.

Even if the hygene is difficult in this area, problems of infection rarely arise. After the operation the wound has to be well disinfected (with isobetadine and  seated baths).


Surgery and consultations (after appointment)
A.Z. Jan Portaels
Gendarmeriestraat 65
B-1800 Vilvoorde
T: +32 (0)2 257 59 74

A.Z. Lokeren
Lepelstraat 2
9160 Lokeren
+32 (0)9 340 85 30

We consult in the UK and in Ireland